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Albania ranks in the top 15 countries worldwide for a preference for boys. In a world that continuously moves towards gender equality and social development, the practice of selective abortion of female fetuses is not only archaic but also harmful for societal and economic growth. This regressive tradition, rooted in gender biases, serves no purpose in our modern society, which is unfolding before us with giant strides.

Gender Equality: A Fundamental Principle

Gender equality is not a new concept. In the 21st century, it's considered a fundamental principle, and nations worldwide strive to ensure that women and men have equal rights and opportunities. Selective abortion of female fetuses contradicts this principle, reinforcing gender discrimination and stifling all the progress we've made, especially in the last three decades.

Economic Contribution of Women

Women are active participants in the workforce, significantly contributing to the global economy. Their presence in various sectors in Albania is steadily increasing. Aborting female fetuses means denying societies the potential economic contributions of these future professional, innovative, and entrepreneurial women. Limiting women's access to education and opportunities damages not only them but society.

Demographic Balance

An important consequence of selective abortion is the demographic imbalance it creates. In regions where this practice is prevalent, the gender ratio skews heavily towards males. This imbalance can lead to numerous social issues as it disrupts the natural distribution of genders at birth. The societal consequences are evident and unsustainable.

Cultural Traditions in a Modern World

The continuation of this tradition is often justified by cultural norms and the desire to uphold a family name. However, culture must evolve to align with values of equality, freedom, and human rights. In a modern world driven by progress and information, traditions that violate these principles have no place.

Building a More Inclusive Future

Traditions, like everything else, need to be updated to serve people rather than hinder them. In 2023 and beyond, it's essential to break free from the shackles of such outdated and harmful practices. The benefits of preserving the lives of girls and women, their potential contributions, and the pursuit of gender equality far outweigh the continuation of this fruitless tradition. Our society can only progress when everyone is offered equal opportunities and respect, regardless of their gender.

As we stand at the threshold of a new era, it's time to let go of anything that impedes our social and economic progress. Selective abortion of female fetuses, a practice rooted in gender biases and perpetuated by outdated traditions, serves no purpose anymore. To create a more equal, prosperous, and inclusive future, it's essential to abandon these harmful customs and embrace a society that values the potential and worth of every individual, regardless of their gender.