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Factsheet on young people in Shijak Municipality

Factsheet on young people in Shijak Municipality
Factsheet on young people in Shijak Municipality


UNFPA & Observatori - Projekti i përbashkët "Askush të mos mbetet pas" midis OKB Shqipëri & Fondit Zviceran të Bashkëpunimit-SDC

Number of pages



"Youth Voice" network - Observatory for the Rights of Children & Young People

Fact Sheet

Factsheet on young people in Shijak Municipality

Publication date

23 December 2019

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This factsheet provides some facts on the following issues:

How much do young people in Shijak municipality know about SDGs?

How much are young people in Shijak engaged to achieve SDGs?

How much do young people in Shijak know about sexual and reproductive health?

Do young people know about Shijak Municipality programs and services for youth?


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30 June 2016

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