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The word chromosome may be something we articulated for the last time at age 9. In early puberty, we learn about the biological meaning in different species and become familiar with the XX and XY chromosomes that determine the distribution of genes in a fetus; we learn it as an interesting scientific fact. It remains just knowledge, as all species with genders, including humans, have no possibility of interfering with these chromosomes when the embryo is conceived.

Even more interestingly, for those who don't remember – every embryo initially has female characteristics until the 7th week when the respective chromosome starts to act and organs are formed. But again, it remains another fact that doesn't necessarily affect the future lives of these embryos.

Later, we learn about nature and its refinement for a perfect balance of life, such as the ratio of genders. And nature has decided that in our species, there are 105 baby boys for every 100 baby girls. Humans could change this balance "intentionally" through selective abortion or sex selection at birth.

Albania is the first in Europe for the preference of baby boys and the eleventh in the world. Our educational institutions should provide not only information of a scientific nature but also civic education and social interpretations of biology.

Social values inherited century after century have been more authoritarian in this direction than the school itself. They have carved out the meaning of being a girl or a boy, and being a boy triumphs.

In our society, a newlywed has suffered high pressure to have a boy as soon as possible, as if there were some sort of control! And when boys didn't come, she continued to have babies beyond the plan or desire.

Another phenomenon encountered is selective abortion of female fetuses due to gender. There are still couples in Albania who abort a female fetus because they strongly prefer to have a boy. A boy who will inherit the family name and property. And, unintentionally, the natural balance is disrupted, resulting in 109 boys born for every 100 girls in Albania today.

Today in 2023, besides backwardness, nothing justifies the preference for a boy over a girl. All arguments for having more boys than girls are scientifically, legally, logically, and emotionally dismissed.

Children are a blessing. The decision to continue or not with a pregnancy is personal and is made after the expectant parents consult with a professional doctor.

But just one chromosome doesn't have to determine the value and potential of a life.