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The power of words is a gift, but at the same time, it's a responsibility.

In a world of diverse cultures and beliefs, the use of language that embraces respect and coexistence is the key to a harmonious society. Tolerance is a value that helps us respect and appreciate others, including religious beliefs. In a diverse world, fostering harmony and coexistence is essential.

Let's learn to use the right words that build relationships, uniting and respecting every religious belief. When we become advocates of wise words, we create a shared environment of understanding, respect, and tolerance.

Young people constitute one of the most important variables in the model of interfaith harmony in society, as they can contribute not only to its sustainability in the future but also to its promotion. Religious belief is an issue that young people may face in their daily lives, in public spaces, in schools, universities, or at work.

Words are a powerful tool that can change the world for better or worse. Young people have the power to change the course of communication and to choose words that unite and respect religious diversity. When we use hate speech, we divide society and create tensions. But when we choose wise words, we open doors for dialogue, for learning from each other, and for creating an environment of understanding and respect for every religious belief.

Let's teach young people that being different or having different beliefs is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's an opportunity to develop knowledge and culture in different aspects, if there is interest. In a world with numerous religious beliefs, don't forget that each of them has value and power. Use words that unite, promote harmony, and respect every religious belief. Join in a collective journey towards tolerance and respect, helping to build a better society for all.

Words can build or destroy; they can unite or divide. Today, together, we oppose hate speech. We believe that words of respect, cooperation, and tolerance are the most powerful weapons to create an aware environment. Let's learn how to shape our words in a spirit of collaboration.

Today, we address young people, asking them to choose their words carefully. The word that unites and respects every religious belief is more than a call for coexistence; it's a premise for a society in harmony and complete coexistence.

Young people are important catalysts for positive changes in society. They should use their power to promote a language of equality, religious tolerance, and inclusivity for all without exception. In this way, they can help build a society where everyone feels respected and valued.